Federal Passenger Company

Russian railways

About the client

"Federal Passenger Company" ("FPC") is a subsidiary of Russian Railways, which provides long-distance passenger rail transportation services.


branch, subsidiaries and affiliates are part of the FPC


Since 2010, the FPC has been operating independently


The Federal Passenger Company (FPC) is a subsidiary of Russian Railways, which carries out the majority of passenger transportation by long-distance trains.

Project objectives

Developing a multi-stage predictive analytics system. The core of the system is a demand forecasting module for long-distance trains, which allows FPC to optimize many business processes. First of all, to build optimal composition of trains.


The demand forecast for long-distance trains is created both for 90 days - the "depth" of ticket sales in railway transport, and for an entire year. The predictive analytics system developed by the Tsifromatika’s team provides a forecast for a variety of parameters: by route section, by individual train, by car type, and even by upper and lower berths. Based on this forecast, as well as taking into account a number of parameters (for example, restrictions on the train length), the algorithm generates the optimal scheme of the train.

The solution is based on big data technologies. Forecasting models are built on the basis of railway ticket sales data for the last three years (including additional parameters - competitor prices, holidays, promotions). At the "depth" of the sale, the forecast is recalculated every day, taking into account new incoming information.

The solution works as a separate independent system. At the same time, it is integrated with data sources - the Russian Railways database on train schedules and their belonging, the tariff setting system, the database of competitors' tariffs (air and bus transportation), with the car fleet management system. Thus, the predictive analytics system is at the same time FPC's own consolidated transportation database.

The technical integration of the system with the existing systems of Russian Railways was preceded by extensive work in coordination with various departments of Russian Railways - from the IT department to the security department.

Project outcomes

Tsifromatika’s team managed to coordinate the projects of technical solutions with the branched structure of Russian Railways in less than 4 months

About the client

"Federal Passenger Company" ("FPC") is a subsidiary of Russian Railways, which provides long-distance passenger rail transportation services.


branch, subsidiaries and affiliates are part of the FPC


Since 2010, the FPC has been operating independently

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